Jan 10, 2021Liked by Luke Moderwell

I've been learning about some more advanced concepts in Python coding: decorators, mock/patch in the context of testing, and using a build tool to bundle python code as an executable. Fun stuff!

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I have a complicated relationship with unit/e2e testing in software. One side of me understands that it’s good to test your code. The other side says, if I’m writing the tests, we’ve got a conflict of interest on our hands. Any connections in your Python learning to other aspects of your life?

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Definitely. I think it really helps with systematic thinking. I notice it sometimes when I'm working on a house project.

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Jan 9, 2021Liked by Luke Moderwell

I’m learning that when my husband is working down in the basement it means he is writing a blog 😝

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I don’t know who you are but your husband sounds like a top class guy 😉

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